BridgePrep Academy of Village Green opened it's doors in 2011 and follows the standards and objectives stated in the Language Arts Florida Standards, Mathematics Florida Standards, and the Science and Social Studies Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. The curriculum encompasses the core subject areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. In addition, we offer Art, Music, Physical Education, and one hour of Spanish daily. In the subject of Elementary English Language Arts, the McGraw-Hill Wonders series is being utilized as the core text. In Middle School, the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Collections series is being utilized. Instruction in our ELA classes is often supplemented with rich novels and mentor texts as well as Lucy Calkins for writing. In Elementary Mathematics, Go Math! Florida Common Core Edition (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) is being utilized. In Middle School Mathematics, Carnegie Learning is our core program. For Elementary science, Florida Science (Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt) is being utilized. For Elementary Social Studies, our teachers utilize a variety of resources, including Time for Kids magazine. In Middle School Science, we use Elevate Science (Pearson). In Social Studies we use Glencoe/McGraw Hill books, Discovering our Past: A History of the World- Early Ages in 6th Grade, Civics, Economics, and Geography in 7th Grade, and Discovering our Past: History of the United States in 8th Grade. High school students use World History (Pearson) for Social Studies, Elevate (Pearson) for Science, Pearson for Biology, McGraw Hill for Chemistry, and Pearson for Physical Science. Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS): BridgePrep Academy of Village Green personnel will provide a system of multi-tiered supports for students designed to maximize each individual student’s academic potential. These supports include opportunities for remediation and academic support through targeted interventions as well as for acceleration through participation in our classes. Intervention Academic support intervention is intended as a resource for educators to assist in integrating academic and behavior supports and services for all students. The MTSS model for instruction and intervention is based on the principle that academic and behavioral supports are first provided at a core or universal level to effectively address the needs of all students in a school (referred to as Tier I). However, not all students respond to the same curricula and teaching strategies. As a result, some students with identified needs will receive supplemental or targeted instruction and intervention at Tier II. Finally, at Tier III, a few students with the most severe needs will receive the most intensive and individualized behavioral and/or academic support. Gifted Program Our Gifted program offers acceleration and enrichment for our gifted students. Project based learning is encouraged to build organization skills and to stimulate the students’ minds. The aim of the Gifted program is to teach the standards with in-depth knowledge of the topic while challenging the students in the process. We envision that this program will assist our students in fostering a love for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. STEAM At BridgePrep Academy the STEAM curriculum is infused throughout the day. Students will be exposed to an interdisciplinary curriculum that includes Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). The curriculum will address multiple intelligences and individual learning styles to meet the diverse needs in the 21st century. Students will be challenged with project-based activities and real world connections throughout the academic school year. STEAM is proving successful in schools all around the world to better teach academic and life skills in a standards-based, reality-based, personally relevant exploratory learning environment. It is backed with the major educational philosophies, classroom management and assessment strategies. It promotes deeper understanding and transference of knowledge across the subjects. It is used for developing model educational programs to create functionally literate people by increasing the depth and breadth of proficiency in all students and educators and the communities they influence. It works by expanding a program’s current lesson plans into STEAM plans for more realistic discovery and innovation for all types of learners. |